Monday, October 24, 2011

3rd Day

Today was my third day in the exciting culture of South Africa. My last two days have been very exciting, today i was very tired so i decided not to venture far from my hotel. First I headed out to the National Botanical Gardens, where I enjoyed what nature had to offer. It was also free. Next I went to view Limpopo which is a game park in South Africa, the views were spectacular. Last I wanted to see Ancient Bushman drawings in the Drakensburg Mountains, they were very amusing but tiring from the hike to get there. After a exhausting day of hiking, I started to gander home. On the way home, I stopped at a diner to grab a bite to eat. I stopped at the Loading Bay Cafe and just ate  something small. I had one of their pastries and a frappe, this cost me $5.00 exactly. After that, I went home to a relaxing bed.

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